2010年5月31日 星期一

Lab 32: blog cloud

Lab 33: Google Analytics

Lab 33: Google Analytics

Lab 31: Syndication with RSS 2.0

Lab 30: navigation bar

2010年5月24日 星期一

Lab 29: DOM

1. Open KompoZer
2. Based on the code as in http://www.scottandrew.com/weblog/articles/dom_4 ,
write a code to generate the table of 9*9 products. (九九乘法表)

Hint: The javascript code should be enclosed by script tags.

Lab 28: Create Image using DOM

1. Open KompoZer
2. Hand code a javascript that loads an image from Internet based on
the DOM model.
3. Take a look at the sample code that shows how window.onload to load the image.
4. Use a button to load the image. Try how onclick works.

2010年5月17日 星期一

Lab 27: Using XML and XSLT

1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.

2. Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament
Listing 2. A basic style sheet for the soccer results

use the XSLT as in the Listing 2 to transform the XML file as in the Listing 1.

3. View the formatted HTML file.
4. Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament
Listing 3. A style sheet that computes team standings

compute the team standings in a table.

5. View the formatted HTML file.

Lab 26: Using XML

1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor. (安裝X-Ray需要本機權限)

2. Given the the XML file and XSLT file ,
use Xray to do the transformation of the XML into HTML.
You have to replace [ with <.

3. View the formatted HTML file.

2010年5月10日 星期一

Lab Hand code a form

Hand code a HTML or use KompoZer to edit an HTML so that the webpage can send a request to Google like

Use Form CGI that includes action, input, and submit.
Try a few different coordinates.

Lab 25 Lab Form and Action

"logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere"

How to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI.

1. Copy the search box of this search page,
inlcuding radio buttons, text input, and submit button.
2. Open your KompoZer HTML editor.
3. Open a new empty HTML file.
4. Paste the search box into this new file.

5. Use KompoZer to add a Form to this search box. Do not hand code the HTML. Just fill the blank in the Form dialog.

6. In the form dialog, set Action="http://google.com/search" and name of Form as "f" and method as "get"
(See Hint if it does not work.)
7. Save your file on your computer. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

8. Set method as "post"
9. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?


一.請點選以下中原大學電算中心有獎徵答活動,檢視當中使用了哪些服務的 mash-up?

google docs 的表單、文件、報表

2. Rich Internet Applications 泛指網頁上高度互動性設計,諸如Youtube, Google Maps 等,需要較多的運算與頻寬,請問這些應用是否可能將無障礙設計納入考量,以兼顧視障,肢體障礙,聽障者的需求?


3. Augmented Reality (on Youtube Video) 目前有哪些研究?是列舉三個研究單位或三項研究的簡介。




2010年5月3日 星期一

Lab 24: Mash-Up 4 (Calendars)

Lab 23: Mash-up 3 (Blogs)

Lab 21: Mash-up 1 (Publish)

Lab 22: Mash-up 2 (Maps)

For housing services, compare the three websites

List the differences in the user interface design and usability. Make comments
by your use experiences.

比較: 美感,直覺性,流暢,預期反應

(1)美感: 個人認為在7house首頁上幾乎都是廣告,看起來較多采多姿,但在收尋後則為條列的方式顯示,
變得較無美感可言.而housingmaps和urmap兩者則是差不多, 都皆為地圖來顯示,較清晰可見週

(2)直覺性&流暢: 三者在直覺性和流暢方面上,感覺大致差不多好使用,但在有地圖配合使用上則較為方便,


Homework 4-19-2010




1. 友情贊助 2. 見解精闢 3. 隨機選取 4. 其他(請說明)
